Thursday, October 3, 2019

Health and Safety act 1974 Essay Example for Free

Health and Safety act 1974 Essay The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, also referred to as HASAW or HSW, is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in the United Kingdom. The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment.Covers: †¢ safe plant and systems of work; †¢ safe methods for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances; †¢ necessary information, instruction, training and supervision; †¢ a safe and well-maintained workplace, including safe access and egress; †¢ a safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities This legislation requires employers to prepare, and maintain up-to-date, a statement showing the policy on safety and the organisation and arrangements put in place to ensure the general policy is carried out. The employer must ensure that all employees are aware of the policy and any revision. Manufacturing organisation: Tasty Bake- Tasty Bake is one of the UKs leading sausage manufacturers. Cardamon Pod- Cardamon Pod is a small business offering a wide range of delicious savoury and sweet samosas to both public and private clients throughout the UK and overseas. Service provider: Chef per Tutti offering a private chef service. Planglow Ltd. Planglow is a recognised market leader for the supply of branded paper-based products to the catering industry. Main causes of injury: †¢ Manual handling and lifting especially lifting heavy and awkward loads and pushing wheeled racks †¢ Slips and trips mostly due to wet or contaminated floors †¢ Falls from height off ladders, stairs, work platforms, plant and vehicles †¢ Struck by an object (eg hand knife) or striking against an object (eg plant) †¢ Exposure to harmful substances and hot objects, eg splashes/vapour from cleaning chemicals, contact with hot equipment Electricity at work regulations 1989 This legislation places legal implications on employers to ensure the safety of electrical devices in the workplace. Covers: †¢ Ensure all persons working on or near electrical equipment are competent, to prevent danger and injury †¢ Maintain electrical systems in safe condition †¢ Carry out electrical work safely †¢ Ensure equipment is suitable and safe to use in terms:- of strength and capability of use in adverse or hazardous environments e.g. weather, dirt, dust, gases, mechanical hazards, flammable atmospheres, etc †¢ Ensure effective insulation of conductors in a system This legislation is requires precautions to be taken against the risk of death or personal injury from electricity during work activities. Manufacturing organisation: McKinlay Electrical Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Elkay Electrical Manufacturing Company Ltd Customer providers: Southern Electric E-on Main hazards: †¢ Electric shock †¢ Electric burns †¢ Fires of electrical origin †¢ Electric arcing causing â€Å"Arc Eye† †¢ Explosions initiated or caused by electricity Display screen equipment regulations 1992 The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 aim to protect the health of people who work with DSE. The Regulations were introduced because DSE has become one of the most common kinds of work equipment. Covers: †¢ Assess display screen equipment workstations and reduce any risks which are discovered. †¢ Make sure that workstations satisfy the essential safety requirements which are set for the display screen, keyboard, desk and chair, working environment, task design and software †¢ Plan display screen equipment work so that there are breaks or changes of activity †¢ Provide information and training for display screen equipment users This legislation requires: †¢ Employers have to carry out a suitable and sufficient analysis of all workstations provided for use by users or operators in other words, a risk assessment. †¢ DSE workstations must meet the Schedule of Minimum Requirements. †¢ Employers have to ensure that users get periodic breaks or changes of activity away from the display screen equipment. †¢ Employers have to provide information to users and operators on risks identified by the assessment, steps taken to reduce the risks, and, where appropriate, the systems for breaks and for eyesight tests. Manufacturing organisation: Computer manufacturers: Dell, Asus. Customer providers: Shops – Asda, Tesco, Boots, they are using screen equipment. Accountant assistant job – working with computers. Risks: †¢ Upper Limb Disorders aches and pains in the hands, wrists, arms, neck, shoulders, back etc. †¢ Visual Difficulties eyes can become tired and existing conditions can become more noticeable.

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